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-Lagu Bagus-

Soooo.., here we go.., songs that I'm listening to these days :)

1. Dead By Sunrise_-_Into You

Smoke another cigarette it kills the pain
That's all that's left of me anymore
Choking on all my regrets feeling the strain
In every breath stumble as I crawl

Then I fall into you
And I fade away
I fall into you
And I fade

Like a crutch you carry me without restraint
Back to a place where I am not alone
I'm a man whose tragedies have been replaced
With memories tattooed upon me soul

Then I fall into you
And I fade away
I fall into you
And I fade

You said time to tear down the walls
You know not every things your fault
Put it away our mistakes have brought us here today
You say just look how far you've come
[ Dead By Sunrise Lyrics are found on ]
Despite all the things you've done
You'll always be the one to catch me

When I fall into you
And I fade away
I fall into you
And I fade

Say goodbye to yesterday I made it through
I'm here today despite what I was told
You where there to rescue me
You shined a light so I could see

Then I fall into you
And I fade away
I fall into you
And I fade

I fall into you
And I fade away
I fall into you
And I fade


2. the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus_-_Cat and Mouse

Softly we tremble tonight,
picture perfect fading smiles are all that's left in sight,
I said I'd never leave, you'll never change
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at in life.

Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...

We made plans to grow old,
believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.
Lost in a simple game cat and mouse,
Are we the same people as before this came to light?

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...

You must live for me too'...
For me too...yeah, yeah...
You said that you would die for me...

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price
You said, you said that you would die for me...


3. The Morning After_-_#1

bernafaslah dalam pagi dan kagumilah
kemanapun kau pergi
dimanapun kaki berpijak
tetap bisa trus terlihat
menantimu di saat mulai damai
menatap mata, luruskan jalan

mungkin kini ku lelah
tak berarti mudah tuk terlelap
saat semua berjalan lambat
saat banyak hal yang di korbankan
saat tak ada yang bersuara
tersenyumlah, tersenyumlah lebar
dan tunjuk keatas, sejenak

tak perlu lepas dan hilang
menatap mata, luruskan jalan


4. The Morning After_-_Berubahlah
Tak ada yang mengalah
Tak ada yang menang
Hanya menatap langit dengan mata telanjang
Tak ada yang berkata
semua kan tenang.. uuuuu
semua kan tenang.. uuuuu

Mereka kan tertawa
Dan tak pernah percaya
Disaat kebenaran bukan yang kau inginkan
Kau tak sangggup bicara, lakukan segala
Sembunyikan kebohongan

Tunjukkan arah, segeralah berubah!
Hentikan langkah, menepilah!
Berkacalah, bersabarlah!

Mereka kan tertawa
Mereka tak percaya
Mereka kan tertawa
Mereka tak percaya


5. Close To You, by: The carpenter, Gail Blanco, Sama yang Instrumental Acoustics Version. (this song reminds me of my Girlfriend.., Miss youuuuuu, huuunnnn!!)

Link for the carpenter:

link For Gail Bianco's Jazz Version:

link For acoustic: Lupa link nyaaa.... ahahahahaha!!!

enjoy wis!!, oyi!!


-Tips Ngenet Buat Anak Eng.Dept SUoM-

Hallu, hallu!
gw gak bisa tidur, makanya nulis posting gak penting kaya gini, mwahaha! jadi di sini, gw bakalan ngasih tips buat kalian, terutama yang saat ini kuliah di Fac.Lett SUoM ngambil Eng.Dept. Tips ini bakal ngebahas sedikit tentang bagaimana dan dimana ngenet gratis di kampus kalian tercinta ini.
okay, let's rowl!!

1. Where to connect?
well, i'm not going to talk about wi-fi things. ask my friend about that :). Seperti yang kita tahu, beberapa bulan yang lalu ada fasilitas baru berupa PC Oldskool (baca: tua bangkotan) yang disulap menjadi PC dengan koneksi internet di Fac.o.Lett. Awal mula nya hanya ditemukan 3 buah, yaitu di Gedung J dan saat itu kami memberinya nama SABAR.NET Kenapa? guess it yourself.
namun dengan berjalannya waktu, ada bebrapa tambahan PC oldskool yang di tempatkan di E7 dan D7. jadi, sekarang ada 3 spot buat ngenet gratis di kampus :).
bagaimana dengan speed? nah. gw bakalan ngurutin dari atas tempat mana saja yang mempunyai speed tinggi.

#1. E7, dekat tangga.
-Lowest Speed Experienced: 20-25kbps
-Highest Speed Experienced: 300kbps
-Connection Stability: Stable
*comment: kemaren itu, download albumnya DEAD BY SUNRISE yang OUT OF ASHES di sini.

#2 (induk)
-Lowest Speed Experienced: 5-10kbps
-Highest Speed Experienced: 350-400kbps
-Connection Stability: Unpredictable
*Comment: waktu kapan itu pernah streaming Kamen Rider Decade 4 Episode (3 parts per episode) dengan lancar.

#3 (Cabang D7)
-Lowest Speed Experienced: <1-5kbps
-Highest Speed Experienced: 5-15 kbps
-Connection Stability: POOR
*Comment: Buat nyari tugas aja... Itupun juga jangan terlalu berharap akan adanya koneksi.

-in research: ESAC. Tunggu kalo gw punya waktu luang :)

2. FACEBOOK and other social networking Blockage issue.

Setelah menjamurnya Facebook dan sosial networking lain, nampak nya pihak kampus memberikan kebijakan untuk memblokir hampir semua situs jejaring sosial karena dinilai mengganggu proses belajar-mengajar dan juga mengganggu kinerja staff karena banyak ditemukan sedang membuka FACEBOOK saat jam kerja. Namun, pemblokiran ini tidak hanya sebatas situs jejaring sosial saja. Situs-situs penyedia layanan File-sharing seperti Rapidshare dan 4shared nampaknya juga ikut menjadi korban pemblokiran. Lebih parah lagi, kampus juga menghalangi kita untuk mendownload semua file dengan extensi .mp3
Rasanya seperti membunuh nyamuk dengan granat...
jadi kalo kalian mau buka facebook di kampus, datang pagi-pagi banget, sebelum jam 7an lah. kebijakan blocking facebook dan situs2 lainnya tadi berlaku dari mulai jam kerja. jam 7 AM. sebelum itu bebas!!!
tau kalo nggak gitu, ke ESAC aja bous!!!
tapi koneksi agak sucks dicks...
dan penunggunya *ramah*

3. Download Manager Blockage Issue
okay, bagi yang belum tahu, ternyata semua macem download manager kaya IDaMan diblok proxy nya, tapi untung gw nemu salah satu cara buat mengembalikannya berfungsi saat kalian mau download dengan cara proxy setting di IDM..
kopi-paste proxy kampus ke proxy setting box nya IDM, gw gak tau cara kerjanya, pokoknya seluruh proxy box itu isi aja sama proxi kampus :)
like this:

that's all for today!!
lagi gak begitu mood because of.., ahh.., you know it lah... :)
see yaw!!


My Third Party Aps WORKS!! -Revised-

Sorry my Indonesian speaking friends. I'm in the mood of writing in English now :)

so! I'm actually on a way to improve this blog on every aspect, whether the post, layout or anything. and, these are what new in this blog.

1. The quick-post comment box :)

So, my friend just viewed my blog a couple of days a go and asked, "where the hell your comment box? Why don't you make an-always-visible one?"
and i said..
"well, how am i suppose to do it? i'm all thumb on this shit"

then he gave me a website that creates quick-post comment box that is always visible at the end of your post. (sorry i forget the link but i think it's or something. Link after next jump. I'm writing this using my K310i, LoL). This website will guide you to install a quick-post comment blog to your blog. You can chose 2 options. Install it as a widget, or install it as a html template. The site claimed that the widget installation was very easy and the HTML template is quite tricky. But, funnily I found it the otherway around. In fact, i couldn't install the quick-post comment box using widget. So i chose that 'tricky' HTML installation :)
And then, after doing some copy-and-paste of those freakin' HTML script, Now you can see a quick-post comment box at the end of this post. :)

2. Blog to Twitter to Facebook app :)

I knew that it's possible that we could forward what's on our blog to twitter from Mike Shinoda whe he had the 'war' with Dave Farrel. He used what's called as Twitterfeed.

A third party application that could [copy your new post's title]-[shorten the link to your post]-[and then post it onto your Twitter account] so that your follower will get notified everytime you post on your blog. But unfortunately, this will be done in a period of time and not directly posted onto your twitter whenever you click 'publish this post' in your blog post. Twitterfeed will only check your blog in a period of time (mine is 1 hour), and if it finds a new post, then it'll be forwarded onto your twitter. Quite inconvenient but still useful :)

But i also have a FACEBOOK acount!! Can my Facebook friends get notified too?
Of course they can! Using Twitter to Facebook app on Facebook,

it will be possible to notify your friends.
So, using those apps you will have this:

*=> means 'forwarded to'.

Happy blogging y'all. And let people know "what's on your mind" :)

see you in the next post!

This link will lead to my blog.




Aku Masih Memegang Kata-Kataku Waktu Itu, Teman :)

Some of you, guys mungkin bertanya-tanya bagaimana aku bisa menjadi seperti ini, atau lebih tepatnya, berada dalam kondisi ini. Padahal yang mereka tahu, aku adalah salah satu dari (mungkin) jutaan orang yang tidak percaya akan adanya hal ini. Sesuatu yang, kata orang, merupakan salah satu 'bahan' penting untuk menuju kondisiku (at least) saat ini. Ah.. mungkin malah bukan sampai saat ini, mungkin hanya sampai beberapa minggu yang lalu, dan tidak sampai hari ini atau detik ini.

Bagi kalian yang bertanya-tanya. Apakah aku sudah menemukan, melihat, dan merasakannya sehingga aku menjadi percaya kepada hal ini dan menjilat ludahku sendiri? Simple answer, NO.
Aku masih orang yang sama, dalam kaitanya dengan hal itu. Aku masih orang yang tidak mempercayai hal itu, sama seperti waktu salah satu dari kalian bertanya padaku beberapa semester lalu. Percayalah, aku masih orang yang sama.

Lalu bagaimana? Apakah aku berbohong saat ini? Bukan. Sulit mengatakannya. Bahwa ini bukan kebohongan, namun bukan hal yang sebenarnya. Dan akan sangat klise dan bodoh jika aku mengatakan "it's in between". Lebih buruk lagi, setelah beberapa kesalahan bodoh yang telah aku lakukan, aku sekarang berada di posisi tersudut. Keluar dari kondisi ini aku memang bisa lepas dari (baik, katakan sajalah) 'kebohongan' ini, tapi aku akan, sekali lagi, dipandang sebagai pengecut. Dan jika tetap dalam kondisi ini, mungkin aku masih dapat merasakan (walaupun tipis) beberapa kenikmatan yang dipercaya oleh orang merupakan bagian dari hal itu. Walaupun, kian hari semakin hilang dan digantikan oleh rasa sakit dan (yang menurutku) 'kebohongan' lain.
Namun nampaknya aku lebih dapat menerima rasa sakit dari pada mendapat predikat pengecut. Rasa sakit sudah lama tidak menghampiri ku lagi semenjak beberapa tahun lalu. Dan aku merindukannya. Dengan rasa sakit, entah kenapa, aku justru merasa nyaman. Namun bukan rasa sakit fisik. Tapi psikis. Hati tepatnya. Waktu itu aku (merasa) menjadi lebih kuat dan produktif (grudge design misalnya).

Sekarang pola itu mulai terlihat. Aku tidak terkejut. Karena aku pernah melihat pola ini sebelumnya. Hanya saja, aku tidak masuk didalamnya. Namun berbeda dengan sekarang. Aku benar-benar didalamnya!!
Sekarang, yang kutunggu adalah keluarnya aku dari kondisi ini dan menerima rasa sakit untuk sekali lagi. Semoga aku siap dan harus. Dan mudah-mudahan bukan dipandang sebagai loser. Good Night.


-Fallin' In Love :)-

Hi, I have been posting about "fallin' in love is like..."
in facebook for a couple of days..
if some people asked me why..
then, i did not know the answer either :)
one thing i can answer is that i gote those quotes on twitter on #stenshow


"Falling in love is like a solving a math problem, it's easy when you know how"

"Falling in love is like being homeless, you go from one place to another looking for a good shelter"

"Falling is love is like a Dejavu, you can feel it but you can't remember when and where it happened."

"Falling in love is like peeing, it happens when it has to happen, Nothing u can do but letting it out"

rdamar "Falling in love is like flying, the higher u get, the harder you'll hit the ground *ouch"

"Falling in love is like watching a movie, you know it will come to the end, but you're still watching til the end"

"Falling in love is like Pendet Dance, say that u love her before someone else claims she's his"

"Falling in love is like farting. U can't see it but u can feel it n know that it's there"

dant_boed "Falling in love is like getting a pay raise. U get a warm fuzzy feeling inside but u're afraid to tell anybody"

aliahadju "Falling in love is like bungee jump,only ppl that have guts will do it"

rahmanatalia "Falling in ♥ is like quicksand. The more you are in it, the deeper you sink. And when it hits you, you've just got to fall."

"Falling in love is like in yoga class. It's so peacefull but when it's over, it's like in the combat class"

"Falling in love like when u take off in d plane, it so fast & when it's steady u'll feel like in heaven"

"@aryabame falling in love is like football match, you'll never now what will happen until the final whistle"

@aliahadju "Falling in love is like breathing Green Happy Gas on Ice Age 3,you constantly happy and smiling all the time"

"Falling in love is like a cold fever ... It comes and go anytime without any requests"

@iqbalsiregar "Falling in love is like a lottery, some people just can't win"

rdamar "Falling in love is like war, starts with words, ends with tears even blood"

"Falling in love is like peeing in swimming pool. Warm, peaceful, relieved and ssstt it's a secret"

jakefake "Falling in love is like having your knee abraded with asphalt as you fell down from a moving car. It hurts, but taught u a lesson."

capek..., liat aja yang lain sendiri yah :)
twitter di #stenshow, a couple pages down..

*picture credit: